G-YWLLBNZV3B Products - Y.I.C. Technologies ltd

EMC Product Range


EMC Pre-Compliance Testing Solutions EMC Certification Tools

EMC/EMI Pre-compliance Testing Solutions

Carry out accurate high-resolution EMC & EMI testing directly from your lab bench.  Y.I.C. Technologies solutions include the EMScanner (High-frequency), EMScannerR (High-resolution), EMProbe (Single probe robotic arm) and the NFPKit (Intergrated camera with probes).  These are invaluable tools for any product undergoing EMC Pre-Compliance testing.

EMScanner: 150 KHz – 8 GHz

EMScanner is a self-contained very-near-field scanning device that connects to a spectrum analyzer or desktop PC running on a copy of EMScanner Software

Frequency range: 150 KHz – 8 GHz
Scanning area: L 31.6 cm x W 21.8 cm (L 12.44” x W 8.58”)
Resolution: 7.5mm
1YR EMViewer Subscription including: upgrades, support &
hardware warranty.


EMScanner Flatbed Scanner EMC Scanner Board

EMScannerR: 150 KHz – 8 GHz

The unique High Resolution EMC/EMI diagnostic system has been reinvented to assist high-density board designers to visualize the root causes of potential EMC and EMI challenges during pre-and post-EMC compliance testing.

High-speed, high-resolution EMC/EMI Scanner
Frequency range: 150 kHz – 8 GHz
Scanning area: L 31.6 cm x W 21.8 cm (L 12.44” x W 8.58”)
High Resolution: 0.06mm
1YR EMViewer Subscription including: upgrades, support &
hardware warranty.

EMScannerR High Resolution EMC Pre-Compliance testing Scanner Board High Resolution flatbed scanner

EMProbe: Single Probe Robotic Arm

Used to assist high-density board designers to use Y.I.C. Technologies Probe Set and off-the-shelf hand-held probes to visualize the root causes of potential EMC and EMI challenges during pre and post-EMC compliance testing.

Robotic Arm for Handheld probes
Frequency range: 13GHz with the supplied NFPSet
High Resolution: 7.5mm – 0.2mm
Main Arm – DBT-M
Scanning area: 250 mm and 180deg
Physical Resolution 0.25mm
1YR EMViewer Subscription including: upgrades, support &
hardware warranty.

EMC Robotic Arm Single probe Solution

NFPKit: Near Field Probes Solution with an intergrated camera solution

The Near Field Probe Kit (NFPKit) is a unique and low cost solution to enhance product testing with reliable and accurate live scanning to highlight EMC & EMI challenges.



The camera provided can be manually adjusted to compensate for lighting conditions in your lab.

Camera Extension Arm

Holds the camera in place from another surface.

Probe Handle

The probe handle connects the NFPs to the RF out

NFP Hxy 10A02

10 MHz – 300 MHz

NFP Hxy 20A02

100 MHz – 1.4 GHz

NFP Hz 40A02

1 GHz – 14 GHz

NFP Hxy 60A01

1 GHz – 14 GHz

NFP E 00A02

1.6 GHz – 18 GHz

1YR EMViewer Subscription including: upgrades, support &
hardware warranty.

Technical Information & Support

Spectrum Analyzers

Y.I.C. Technologies products are compatible with most Spectrum Analyzers.

If you do not have a Spectrum Analyzer and wish to purchase one, please get in touch with us as we have secured relationships with leading test & measurement companies to ensure competitive prices.  You are also able to purchase a Spectrum Analyzer directly from Y.I.C. Technologies. Click below to enquire further.