G-YWLLBNZV3B 2024 November Webinar - Y.I.C. Technologies ltd

EMC Pre-Compliance Webinar



New Online Webinar presented by Arturo Mediano

26th November 2024


In this webinar we will review the origin of some common EMI/EMC topics

in DC/DC converters: ringing in the switching node, adding ferrites and filters,

ground plane under the inductor, etc.

A buck converter will be used to understand those problems using a near field

scanner and some near field probes in real time.

Designed by Y.I.C. Technologies, the NFP Kit is designed for measuring near-field emissions for EMC/EMI troubleshooting and pre-compliance testing. Interference radiated from traces or components of electronic PCBs, assemblies, cables, enclosures, or products can also be located. The probe output is proportional to the magnetic field (H) strength present at the probe location.
Ideal PCB projects for EMScanner are boards designed for high speed, high power, and/or high density/complexity. Any PCB that places a premium onboard real estate also qualifies as an excellent candidate. The compact, flat scanner provides PCB design teams with an easy-to-use, cost-effective, and proven tabletop solution. Emission, immunity, filtering, EMI shielding, broadband noise, and Common Mode testing are some of the applications that the EMScanner system addresses in mere seconds.